Do I Have the Wrong Staffing Software?

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Thursday December 22, 2022

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Productivity, Technology


So, you’ve selected what you felt was the very best staffing software in the world and after implementation, you really don’t see much of a difference in your operations.  Did you select the wrong software?  Probably not.  This is a common problem and there are many reasons for this.  If you are planning on evaluating your software solution in 2023, below are key steps that should be taken whether you are implementing a new system or looking to maximize the features of your current system. 

Choosing New Staffing Software is Just the First Step

First, keep in mind that selecting good software is only the beginning of the process.  Next, you have to make sure that the software is implemented correctly.  Some of the best software in the world is not utilized to its full potential.  This happens in small as well as large firms.

Every firm is different, even in the same industry.  Every company has that little something that makes it different from others, and either successful or not successful.  Getting new software is a good start for a fresh approach, but a common problem that blocks software success is that firms are hesitant to change the “way they do things.”  Companies, because companies are “people”, often find themselves struggling with processes all for the sake of “it’s always been done this way.”


New Staffing Software, Old Habits

When you get new software, make sure that you are not attempting to use the software as if it were the old software that you replaced.  You invested in your new software because of its benefits, and now it’s time to start taking advantage of what it has to offer.  

Assess your operations and see how you can set up processes that take a fresh approach and use the new features that your software contains.  If you do not use the features that your software has available, the end result will be awkward usage that attempts to model your old system.  


Invest in Training

Training is critical if you want to gain the full benefits of the software.  It may or may not be desirable to use every whistle and bell, but knowing about all of the features allows you to select the features that will help you reach your corporate goals.  

Training will also allow your people to effectively use the system for their daily work, which will accumulate a wealth of database information for marketing and business analysis reporting.  Remember, training should be an ongoing process.  When new people start with the company, make sure they get professional training from an experienced internal trainer or your software company.  Do not rely on colleagues to do training because your new person will only get a fraction of what they really need to know.


Set Guidelines For System Utilization  

Put into place measures to ensure that everyone is adhering to system guidelines.  This can be challenging but eliminates the problem of each person using the system differently.  For system success, it is important that information is being input and used similarly by all users.  

New software is exciting and can improve your operations significantly.  However, for new software success, it will take a bit of work to implement and maintain. 

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