Amanda Usen
Amanda brings twenty years of creative writing experience to the Haley Marketing team. As a multi-published author and voracious reader, she’s spent most of her life immersed in story—and butter, sugar, flour, and eggs. After graduating from Vanderbilt University, she fortified her English degree with an AOS from the Culinary Institute of America, figuring a professional chef would never be a starving writer. Her love of perfect words and their ability to create connections—between ideas and people—brought her to Haley Marketing, where she uses her creative skills to tell our clients’ stories.

Want Better Results from Your Email Marketing? Watch Out for These 10 Signs of Data Decay

  By Amanda Usen  |    Wednesday August 14, 2024

Expired email contacts? 


Spam complaints growing faster than mold on bread?


Would you make a sandwich with moldy bread and expired mayo? Of course not! So...


Why would you use stale contact data in your email marketing campaigns?


Using outdated email addresses is like scouring the back of the fridge for ingredients past their prime—unappetizing and ineffective. It may be time for an email list "fridge" clean-out!

Since you can't sniff your contacts or check for expiration dates on engagement, here are 10 signs it's time to clean out your email "fridge" before it stinks up your marketing strategy:

  1. High bounce rates. Your emails are return-to-sender no-questions-asked, potentially indicating obsolete addresses.
  2. Low open and click-through rates. Signals that your recipients might be ghosting you, or maybe they never received the email.
  3. Increased spam complaints. A warning flag that your once-welcome emails are now unwanted intruders.
  4. Email deliverability issues. When your emails can't find a home, they end up wandering aimlessly in cyberspace.
  5. High unsubscribe rate. Your contacts are so rank they've grown legs and are jumping off your list by themselves.
  6. Low engagement. Silent inboxes can speak volumes; disinterest or outdated addresses are the likely culprits. (Here's a hint: segmenting your email list can help engagement!)
  7. Minimal conversions. If calls-to-action aren’t moving the needle, consider whether your call is even getting through.
  8. Outdated contact titles or positions. Sending emails to yesterday’s decision-makers won’t help you address today’s challenges.
  9. Decrease in email engagement over time. Dwindling performance is like a slow leak in your communication strategy.
  10. Worrisome campaign analytics. Numbers don't lie. If your campaign analytics show data decay, it may be time to purge the "fridge."

Need help keeping your data fresh—or growing your email list?

Regular data hygiene ensures that the information you are using is still current and that your B2B email marketing efforts are effective. Our digital marketing experts can help you cleanse your data—and drive results with your email marketing strategy!

Read More by Amanda Usen

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