Barb Bruno
Barb Bruno, CPC, CTS is recognized as a guru in our Profession who stands for “responsible recruiting.” Learn more by visiting: Top Tudor Producer site: https://www.topproducertutor.com


  By Barb Bruno  |    Wednesday August 14, 2024

Owners and managers who are respected by their teams have happier, more productive employees.  As a manager of a Staffing or Recruiting Firm, you have earned this position based on your past performance and may feel you deserve the respect of your team.  As an owner of a Staffing and Recruiting Firm, you also feel you deserve the respect of your team.



It is easy to talk first and think later, but hurtful words that take a few seconds to speak can cause damage that can last forever.  Ask yourself if it is more important for you to be right or for your team to be happy.  There are times in management when you can’t have both.

If you want to establish a strong influence on the team you supervise, understand the critical role diplomacy can play in the level of success you attain.  Your people will tend to mirror back to you the same level of candor and kindness that you extend to them. 



The only way to be respected as an owner or manager is not to demand it.  Leaders who are admired and respected have earned that admiration and respect.  Do you feel you are doing the right things to earn the respect of members on your team?

Here are a few tips on how you can earn a deep level of respect: 


  1. Influence – Don’t Manipulate 

Influence requires buy-in on the part of the person being influenced and a willingness on their part to support your goals.  People respect owners and managers who have the power to positively influence others and get things done.  Manipulation is often referred to as the dark side of management. 


  1. Include – Don’t Exclude 

The most effective leaders are individuals who use inclusive language to make others feel they are a part of the team.  Rather than beginning comments with “I think…” or 

I believe…” which puts the emphasis on you, consider using inclusive language like 

We can review…” or ‘Our challenge is… 

The more inclusive you are when presenting ideas to your team, the less you will be perceived as egotistical and the more you will be perceived as a team player.  Inclusive language helps you influence others. 


  1. Ditch the Ivory Tower 

If you hold yourself above everyone else, you will be seen as self-serving.  Admit when you don’t know something or make a mistake.  Assist people at all levels so you are perceived as someone who is real vs. egotistical or phony.  Treat everyone equally from the cleaning lady to other executives.  Employees enjoy seeing their boss in casual clothes relaxing at the company picnic.  It allows them to see you as a real person, as one of them.  They will feel your sincerity and they will perform for you because they like and respect you. 


  1. Back Up Your Opinions With Facts 

You do not necessarily want to have an opinion about everything that you can’t back up with facts.  If your opinions are supported by facts and logic, you will capture the attention and respect of your team. This is one of the reasons to commit to a lifetime of learning.  Knowledge is not powerful, but the implementation of what you learn is very empowering. 


  1. Be Real And True To Yourself 

Belonging to the right clubs and associating with the right people or belonging to the right associations does not define you as a person.  If you manufacture your image rather than work at being real, your people will sense the difference and read right through you. You will gain a deeper level of respect if you reveal your true core values. 

Respect is something you must earn as a leader.  You cannot demand it from anyone. The only person you can demand respect from is yourself.  Demand that you become more of the leader you were meant to be.  When you respect yourself and others, people will respect you in return. Examine how your actions can enhance your ability to influence others and command their respect, not demand it. 



Walk the walk!  One of the most common complaints I receive from recruiters is that their managers and owners don’t provide a positive example for them to follow.  They almost live a double standard by saying one thing and doing another. You don’t want to wear the label “All talk and no action.” People will judge you much more on what you do vs. what you say.  Your actions must also be predictable and consistent. 



Sales is a challenging profession filled with rejection, objections, disappointments, and pressures to perform.  Even high compensation is not enough to make up for steep competition, demanding customers, and finicky candidates. 


The following nine steps will show you how to get the most out of the people who work for you while you earn their respect:


  1. Identify what is most important to each member of your sales team 
  • People do things for their own reasons – not yours 
  • Have goals written and posted with dated action items
  • Back up goals with a dream board 
  1. Mandate daily planning 
  • Ensures best use of time 
  • Six priorities closest to the money 
  • All outgoing calls
  1. Monitor and manage by numbers, know daily results needed 
  • Track stats
  • Track individual ratios 
  • Manage by numbers not emotion
  1. Create contests and incentives where you need results 
  • Instant gratification works 
  • Create contests everyone can win
  • Ask your team for contest ideas 
  1. Consistent training 
  • Sales 
  • Negotiating 
  • Closing 
  1. Build winning teams 
  • Provide candidate specialists for rainmakers 
  • Focus your Big Billers on client development 
  • Set minimum standards of performance 
  1. Build on peer pressure 
  • Post goals and production 
  • Post year-to-date numbers 
  • Never erase goals

   8. Identify motivators

  • Recognize outstanding efforts not only production
  • Be quick to compliment 
  • Consider individual challenges
  1. Always address the WIIFM
  • Focus on the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) of your team always 
  • Once someone is a proven producer, encourage ideas
  • Use hidden talents of your team


Implement these strategies and you will earn the respect of your team, your working environment will be more fun, and you will increase sales!

If you enjoyed this article and realize the value this type of training would bring to you and your team, when you are ready to schedule a call to talk to one of our experts about your training needs.  

Read More by Barb Bruno

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