Why Choose an End-to-End Staffing Solution?

  By Avionte  |    Tuesday June 29, 2021

Category: Technology


Are you in the process of bringing new technology to your staffing company or upgrading your existing platform? Then before you pull the trigger, wait a second. Making the almost-right decision here can be the difference between gaining a competitive advantage in your market and fading into irrelevance.

When searching for a new staffing system of record, you want to make sure you find a provider that offers the following:

  • A TRUE end-to-end staffing solution
  • Proven track record of success
  • Powerful platform integrations


A True End-to-End Staffing Solution?

A true end-to-end solution—one that encompasses all your workflows from winning new clients to managing back office operations—can provide a differentiated, positive experience for your team members, your talent and your customers.

For example, with all your data housed in a single, secure location, the different arms of your business can easily share information and insights. At Avionté, our clients love the fact that:

  • Recruiters and sales share a single system and can finally align on pipeline and talent needs.
  • Operations can map the talent journey from application to payroll and work with relevant teams to optimize the process, minimize cost, and improve ROI.
  • Back office teams can quickly access robust integrated data sets to drive informed business decisions.

If you don’t invest in an end-to-end staffing or recruiting solution, then you’ll need to rely on a host of best-of-breed point solutions to build your workflows.

At the bare minimum you’d need:

  • Applicant tracking system (ATS)
  • Client relationship management tool (CRM)
  • Interviewing tool
  • Onboarding platform
  • Employee engagement system
  • Time and attendance tracker
  • Payroll platform
  • Billing and AR system
  • Business intelligence or reporting tool

Each of those platforms comes with individual contracts, bills, support teams, and logins that all need to be managed and maintained by your team on a regular basis. 

What’s worse, if you can’t connect these systems together, then your teams will not only need to learn separate systems, but manually re-enter information in each of these systems, which wastes time and impairs data integrity and security.

At the end of the day, it’s hard to scale your staffing business with inefficient teams and inaccurate data. An end-to-end staffing solution will help unify your data, your operations, and your talent/ client experience so you can grow with confidence.


Proven Track Record of Success

Staffing is a complex industry. Don’t waste time working with a vendor that doesn’t understand it. Look for a solution that provides a proven technology—one that many staffing firms before you have used to grow their businesses. Only a vendor who understands the industry can address the unique needs of your teams, your clients, and your talent.

As an added bonus, a trusted staffing technology provider will have a firm financial foundation and will likely be around to support your business far into the future. This stability allows them to focus on nurturing their relationship with you and boosting your long-term success.


Powerful Platform Integrations

While an end-to-end solution provides a solid foundation for success, teams may need to utilize a custom tech stack or best-of-breed point solutions to maximize workflows and maintain a competitive advantage. That’s why you want a system that offers powerful platform integrations geared towards growing and scaling your business while improving the staffing/ talent/ client experience without having to leave the core system of record.

Your vendor should also thoroughly vet all their technology partners and ensure security protocols—so your data is kept safe and you can meet compliance standards.


What’s the best end-to-end staffing and recruiting platform on the market? 

That depends on your business. A smart choice for clerical, light industrial, IT, and professional staffing is Avionté. A true end-to-end platform drives efficiency, maximizes profitability, and boosts productivity. 

Avionté core platform offers:

  • Advanced candidate search and next-level sourcing
  • Text recruiting and video interviewing
  • Personalized job boards
  • Task and activity tracking
  • Paperless process from talent apply to payroll
  • The ability to analyze data for a 360-degree view of your business

Staffing is a complex business with needs that extend beyond your core front and back-office solution. That’s why Avionté also offers powerful platform integrations through the Avionté+ program. Capabilities include :

  • Quickly connect to pre-vetted, pre-integrated technologies that have an emphasis on staffing and security.
  • Customize your experience to fit your firm’s unique needs through a powerful data exchange infrastructure of secure APIs, automated file transfers, and events.
  • Trigger actions from multiple technologies with a single click in a single system of record.
  • Quickly gain extra efficiency through an engagement and experience-based tech stack.

All of which frees you up to land new clients and recruit top-notch talent while running all your back office functions and planning for the future.

If you’re ready to unify your data, streamline your tech stack, and build the ultimate staffing experience, then schedule a demo with Avionté today.

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