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Millennials in the Workplace: Wearables in the Workplace

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Oct 11, 2016

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Technology

Today it seems like everywhere you turn someone is sporting the newest wearable technology. From apple watches to fitbits and beyond there are more people buying into the need for such technology. The PwC report, The Wearable Life: Connected Living in a Wearable World, stated: “By 2020, more than 75...

Millennials in the Workplace: Delishes Apps?

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Sep 13, 2016

Category: Columns, Technology

I remember when I was a kids and going out to eat was the only time I heard the word App uttered. Today rarely are those deep fried appetizing pre dinner morsels though of when the word is brought up. Instead we reach for our newest and dearest appendage: the...


  By Anonymous  |    Tue Aug 30, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

If you’ve been in the recruiting industry long, you’ve had the experience of fighting like a rabid dog against other recruiters to win a client. Once you become a client’s go-to firm or make it on their PSL (Preferred Supplier List), why would you ever voluntarily opt-out of working with...

Millennials in the Workplace: Pokemon Go...Distraction or Tool?

  By Anonymous  |    Sat Aug 06, 2016

Category: Certification, Education, Expert Advice

Have you noticed the hordes of teenagers, and millennials walking in packs staring at their phone, so absorbed that they often can be seen stopping in the street, oblivious to their surrounding? What you are witnessing is the newest online sensation-Pokemon Go! With it’s nostalgic appeal to millennials who grew...

The outsized impact of recruiters by Jon Guidi

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Jul 13, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Us recruiters are a transactional bunch. That’s not meant in a negative way, we just have to be in order to enjoy sustained success. We need to be able to converse, influence, sell, counsel, advise to ultimately get two moving parts (candidate and client) to align and form a bond...

Run Your Desk Like A Team Not A Business By Judy Collins

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Jun 29, 2016

Category: Expert Advice

Your reputation will make you more money in the long run than a one-time deal. Reputation is built on trust, good judgment, diligence and attention to detail. Part of the building process is developing good long-term relationships based on these high professional standards. To build these relationships you should treat...

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