About Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

Senior Digital Marketing and Brands Manager at Automated Business Designs E-Mail: Jennifer.Roeslmeier@abd.net Automated Business Designs develops the enterprise class staffing and recruiting software solution, Ultra-Staff EDGE. Designed for temporary, direct hire, and medical staffing, Ultra-Staff EDGE offers a full-featured business solution that includes front and back office, onboarding, web portals, mobile, data analytics, and scheduling. For more information on Ultra-Staff EDGE, visit www.abd.net or schedule a demo to see the difference an all-in-one staffing software solution could make for your business.


Everything You Need to Know About the New Form W-4

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Thu Dec 19, 2019

Category: Columns, Recruiting

The 2020 Form W-4 was released earlier this month with just weeks left in the year. As the year winds down, are you prepared to handle the new Form W-4 in 2020? If you are scrambling to figure out how this will affect you in the new year, below is...

3 Alternatives to Asking a Job Applicant About Their Salary History

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Thu Nov 21, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity

On September 29th, 2019, Illinois passed a new law that bans employers from asking job applicants about their salary history. The law also allows employees to discuss their salary and benefits with colleagues, which is a practice that is often frowned upon by employers. These measures are meant to...

Why You Need an All-In-One Staffing and Recruiting Software Solution

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Thu Oct 24, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

Do you have a headache from toggling between multiple software solutions to manage your staffing and recruiting business? How many different solutions are you using to manage your ATS, CRM, payroll, job portal, and other day to day functions? If you are beginning to go crazy with multiple solutions, it...

Texting Candidates Will Streamline Your Recruitment Process

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Tue Apr 09, 2019

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting, Technology

How common is it for you to text a candidate verses sending them an e-mail? Is it normal for you to send a text or does it seem out of place? If you aren’t regularly texting candidates, you may be missing out on a big opportunity to streamline your recruitment...

Why Attending Industry Events Will Help Your Bottom-Line

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Mon Mar 25, 2019

Category: Certification, Columns, Education, Expert Advice

Attending an industry conference or seminar may not be at the top of your company’s to do list. However, it is important to keep in mind what you GAIN from attending these events and how ultimately, it can help your bottom-line. At the end of the day, profit is important...

Startup? Build a Business with Staying Power! How to start a business and the essentials to building a successful business

  By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels  |    Tue Jan 15, 2019

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

INTRODUCTION Are you thinking about starting a business in 2019, but don’t know how or even where to begin? Terri Roeslmeier, founder, President and CEO of Automated Business Designs (ABD) presented “Startup? Build a Business with Staying Power!” during her National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) Lunch and Learn...

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