The Power of Empathy for Building great relationships

  By Patricia Conlin  |    Mon Apr 10, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

I have a secret to share with you. Lean in closer and I will tell you. Guess what. People don’t really want you to solve their problems. Yes, it’s true. What people really crave is connection. We are built for connection with each other and when we deny that,...

5 Ways Outsourcing Contract Management Saves Money

  By Debbie Fledderjohann  |    Thu Mar 30, 2017

Category: Contracting, Expert Advice, Technology

At the end of the day, every recruiter wants two simple things: more time and more money. But some business expenses and time-wasters are simply unavoidable . . . right? Here’s the secret: you can keep more of your hard-earned money and save valuable time by changing one thing about the...

"I Haven't Updated My Resume in 20 years!" YIKES! by Janis Murray

  By Janis Murray  |    Thu Mar 30, 2017

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

Recently, I have enjoyed the company of new clients in their 40’s and mid 50’s. These are highly accomplished individuals who, in some cases, have served the same company for 20 to 30 years. Now, they face being “downsized”, or seek a full career change by choice. With as much...


  By Judy Collins  |    Thu Mar 02, 2017

Category: Expert Advice

The new year is here. The time is right…for contract staffing! With improving prospects for the economy in 2017, client companies will likely free up capital budgets for new projects. You will find new clients anxious to get started with projects which have been on hold during the last few...

Split Placements: Why & When You Should Make Them

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Mar 02, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Top Echelon Network will celebrate its 29th birthday this month. That’s nearly 29 years of helping recruiters make split placements. Of course, not all recruiters make split placements, and in fact, some recruiters actually bristle at the notion of making splits. That’s because they largely misunderstand split placements. They don’t...

Mobile Traffic Has the Best Conversion Rates on Your Staffing Website

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Feb 15, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Technology, Trends

In an analysis of nearly 1 million website sessions on staffing company websites, I looked at the importance of returning website traffic and then I dove into the different types of website traffic and which category converts best on staffing company websites. The last area that I looked at for goal...

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