How Your Recruitment CRM Revamps Your Staffing Relationships

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Tue Jun 07, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

In the staffing industry, relationship building is a true 360 degree concern. Clients and candidates remain with a staffing partner because of the consistent customer experience they receive. Yet that experience does not happen organically. Behind-the-scenes, recruiting and sales teams use their recruitment CRM to duplicate quality across all relationships. How...

Who, Not What: Predicting Critical Hires with Data-Driven Talent Management By Frank Costanzo

  By Anonymous  |    Wed May 25, 2016

Category: Expert Advice

“The most important decisions that business people make are not what decisions, but who decisions.” Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great Over the past two years, we have had the unique experience associated with introducing and educating many corporations regarding the power of People Analytics. One of the...

Small steps to achieving your success in recruiting...improve your focus! by Patricia Conlin

  By Patricia Conlin  |    Tue May 10, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

Do you ever feel like you can’t concentrate because you have too many things pulling you in different directions? Emails, client calls, candidate interviews, facebook, Linkedin, bills, kids extra- curricular activities! The problem in today’s world is that we are so bombarded with distractions and information that our brains can...

Data on Backdoor hires from Hirabl co-founder Jon Guidi

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Apr 28, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Trends

Over the past 18 months at HIRABL, we’ve analyzed 80 million candidate submissions for agencies around the globe – here’s what we’ve learned: 1 in 484 submissions results in a backdoor hire (an increase from 1 in 500 in 2015!). Sales, IT/Engineering, and Accounting/Finance have the highest backdoor rates.

Why Recruiters & Staffing Agencies need a mobile app for their business!

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Apr 14, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

The Pew Internet Project reports that as of last year, 90 percent of American adults have a mobile device. They use these devices to check email, texts, voice messages, get directions, search information, view websites, and more. Mobile Apps Are The Next Level Of Tools For Recruiting. We have been through...

Split Placement Story:

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Apr 07, 2016

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

In a network, independent and boutique agencies look to add value to their clients and candidates by positioning themselves as global recruiters covering all specialties without losing their culture or personal service. When you are electing to involve another recruiter on a search, the efficiency you both show will always...

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