Why your Clients Are Not Returning Your Calls

  By Frank Risalvato  |    Thu Mar 07, 2013

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

I just had a friendly email exchange with a former insurance company executive who was Senior Vice President of operations of a publicly traded company based on the Northeast. For years I’d call him and leave messages. And for years, he’d completely ignore me. Now all of a sudden, having changed his...

Power Through a Plateau by Boosting Your Efficiency

  By Tom Sarach  |    Fri Feb 01, 2013

Category: Expert Advice

Once your business has survived the start-up phase and made it through its growth pains, you’ve probably got a thriving business with dozens of employees. You’ve accomplished a lot, and have reaped the rewards of growth. But you might fear that you’ve reached a plateau, that much of the profit you...

Eliminating One of the Most Damaging Business Practices of Our Industry

  By Scott Wintrip  |    Tue Jan 01, 2013

Category: Expert Advice

On April 20, 1999, Cassie Bernall, a 17-year-old student at Columbine High School, faced a life and death choice — tell the boy with the gun what he wanted to hear or tell him the truth. Being strong in her convictions, she chose the truth and he choose to end...

Let's say it's a two-part agreement. The first part is the initial payment (deposit) upon commencing the search. The amounts vary widely (from a nominal expense advance to half the projected contingency fee). The second part is usually the contingency-fee

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

Let's say it's a two-part agreement. The first part is the initial payment (deposit) upon commencing the search. The amounts vary widely (from a nominal expense advance to half the projected contingency fee). The second part is usually the contingency-fee balance computed when the placement is made. (Three-parters with an...

Since your fee schedule wasn't signed by us, we don't owe you anything.

  By Jeffrey G. Allen  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

Ve-r-r-ry fast, if you know the law! It's truly amazing how many employer lawyers attempt to use the ancient statute of frauds to shoehorn a contingency-fee arrangement into a contract that must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged (the client). The common law (original judge-made law) evolved...

Goal Setting for 2013

  By Bob Marshall  |    Thu Dec 27, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Planning for 2013 The US general election is over and the various races have been decided. Your client companies, who have been waiting for some definition to the future, have it now. Cash will start flowing into hiring because it must. Most company’s manpower has been spread too thin for...

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