No Time To Stop … with Temp and Contract Placements!

  By Judy Collins  |    Tue Apr 27, 2021

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Businesses are ready to get back to work! As of April 14, 2021, ASA reports that 35% of firms reported an increase in employment. Client companies need employees to meet the growing demand for supplies and services. Some projections are that it will take the supply chain 2 years to...

Texting in Recruiting – Does it Really Work?

  By Avionte  |    Mon Apr 12, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting, Technology

We’ve heard a lot about mass texting in recruiting over the years, but the industry can’t decide whether to love this powerful tool for candidate engagement or avoid it all together. We wanted to end the debate once and for all, so we reached out to our partners at Text-Em-All to...

How To Start…With Temp And Contract Placements!

  By Judy Collins  |    Mon Mar 29, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Funding

So far, so good. You are ready to do temp and contract placements! How do you do it? This article will outline some simple steps needed for you to get this done so you can enjoy the benefits of temp and contract placements we explained in previous articles in this...

Become a Valued Partner

  By Chris Heinz  |    Mon Mar 29, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Recruiting is HARD! Cold calling...emailing...recruiting...rejection...indecisiveness...ghosting...collection calls...the list goes on and on. A list like this makes you want to search for your liquor of choice, doesn’t it? While there is no way to eliminate many of these elements of the recruitment profession, there are certain things you can do to make it more...

Must-Have Tech Features for Seamless Sales Outreach

  By Avionte  |    Mon Mar 29, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Marketing, Technology

The Importance of Outreach On average, a salesperson spends only 36% of their time actually selling. However, it has been consistently proven that persistent communication and outreach is necessary to cultivate relationships and make connections with prospective customers. In order to maximize your sales team’s time, use technology to enable them...

Measure, Then Improve Turnover Of Temporary Employees In 8 Steps

  By Lynn Connor  |    Mon Mar 29, 2021

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Recruiting

People are an organization’s most important asset. It’s said all the time, but do companies actually do anything about it? Is it ever really looked at, paid attention to, reviewed or measured? Can people be any more essential than the temporary employees of a staffing firm? ...

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