Goal Setting for 2018--A Six Part Series—Part One

  By Bob Marshall  |    Sun Nov 26, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational

I. The Goal Setting Overview As I mentioned in the Preamble, the state of our economy for recruitment is very strong right now. Your client companies, who have been waiting for some definition to the future, have it now. Cash will start flowing into hiring because it must. Most company’s...

How Your Staffing Firm Can Do Content Marketing...BETTER By David Searns

  By David Searns  |    Sat Nov 25, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Technology

Content marketing is everywhere. Company websites. YouTube. Social media. Email. Drop offs. If communication is happening somewhere, content marketing is happening there. What is content marketing? If you’re not familiar with this marketing technique, it’s about using ideas to capture attention, and then getting people to take an action. In staffing,...

How to Close More Placements Before the New Year

  By Debbie Fledderjohann  |    Sat Nov 25, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already time to start planning for the end of the year. If you are like most recruiters, you want to close as many offers as possible before the ball drops on 2017. This may be easier said than done. Clients are notorious for dragging their...

I Quit! How Our Startup Search Firm Went From $0 - $10 Million in 5 years by Tony Sorensen

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Tue Nov 14, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Motivational, Recruiting

I want you to think about the past year and consider this: When you really look back, are you a better search firm than you were yesterday? Are you taking market share? Everyone should be growing in this economy. How many visitors are coming to your website and what do they...

Candidates Really Hate Recruiters - & Science Can Tell Us Why By Jim Durbin

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Nov 13, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Before we get to the science part, here’s a joke I heard the other day that made me cringe: Question: What’s the difference between a used car salesman and a recruiter? Answer: At least the used car salesman knows they’re lying. Wow. People really don’t like recruiters. The bad news? It’s that science...

Truth From The Trenches: The Perils of Abundance by Kathleen Kurke

  By Kathleen Kurke  |    Mon Nov 13, 2017

Category: Columns, Expert Advice

The headlines are filled with articles the about the skills shortage, the talent gap and the resulting difficulties companies are experiencing. For many in our industry, our clients’ distress has resulted in an abundance of open Job Orders and us feeling like thanksgiving is now a year-round holiday. But rather...

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