10 Christmas Party Ideas to Build Connections With Your Coworking Community

  By news release  |    Tue Dec 12, 2023

Category: News Releases

While many companies go the extra mile to celebrate the holiday season with their employees, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners often find themselves excluded from such festivities. These individuals need coworkers to share the joy with and usually don't have access to corporate-sponsored holiday events.

New Staffing and Recruiting Podcast Launches: The Staffing Buzz Network, an Ultra-Staff EDGE Original Podcast

  By news release  |    Thu Dec 07, 2023

Category: News Releases

This month Automated Business Designs, developers of Ultra-Staff EDGE Staffing and Recruiting Software , launched The Staffing Buzz Network , an Ultra-Staff EDGE Original Podcast. The Staffing Buzz Network will dive into the latest staffing industry trends and news to help staffing professionals stay ahead of the curve and...

Ultra-Staff EDGE Staffing Software Names Chief Technology Officer and Chief Sales Officer

  By news release  |    Tue Nov 14, 2023

Category: News Releases

Ultra-Staff EDGE, a leader in the staffing industry, announced a new CTO and CSO to be added to the company’s executive team. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs, developers of Ultra-Staff EDGE Staffing Software, has named Sebastian Brukalo as Chief Technology Officer and Bob Pettke as Chief Sales Officer. Both Sebastian and...

Europe’s Digital Markets Act Will Hamper Competition, Not Unleash It

  By news release  |    Thu Sep 14, 2023

Category: News Releases

Today, the European Commission designated six companies as “gatekeepers” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA): Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance (parent company of TikTok), Meta, and Microsoft. To be designated as a “gatekeeper” a company’s active user base must exceed 45 million and it must...

Recruiters Websites launches TalentScribe, an 
AI blog writing assistant for recruiters

  By news release  |    Tue Aug 08, 2023

Category: News Releases

Recruiters Websites announces the launch of TalentScribe, an AI writing assistant that will revolutionize the way recruiters create and post blogs on their websites. TalentScribe uses trained AI technology to assist in the creation and posting of recruiting-specific blogs with ease, improve their site’s SEO and ultimately help them attract...

PRWeb ebooks - Another online visibility tool from PRWeb Ultra-Staff EDGE Staffing Software Releases the Ultra-Staff EDGE JOBS Candidate Mobile App

  By news release  |    Mon Aug 07, 2023

Category: News Releases

Ultra-Staff EDGE JOBS provides the staffing experience that staffing agencies and candidates have been searching for. Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing software, released the Ultra-Staff EDGE JOBS Candidate Mobile App this month. Ultra-Staff EDGE JOBS is designed for staffing agencies to provide their candidates with...

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