By Judy Collins  |    Fri Sep 29, 2017

Category: Contracting, Productivity, Recruiting

Natural disasters can strike at any time. Taking a cue from the Boy Scouts, some simple yet effective advice is to “Be Prepared.” Outages common during natural disasters point out the need for advance planning to ensure the continuity of your business. The recent tragedies in Texas and Florida resulting...

Are You Ready for the Temp/Contract Staffing Boom? By Robert Brennan

  By Robert Brennan  |    Thu Sep 28, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Productivity, Trends

There’s hardly ever been a better, or busier, time to be a recruiter in America. With a 16-year low unemployment rate and a record-high number of job openings, the demand for recruiting and staffing services is strong as this candidate driven market rolls on. SIA just announced US staffing market predicted...

What inspires me to achieve my goals? A Vision Board! By Shree Kumar

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Aug 29, 2017

Category: Motivational, Productivity

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw A vision board is a blueprint to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal or a set of situations...

Millennials in the Workplace: Self Evaluation... Do You Know How You Feel About Your Life?

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Aug 07, 2017

Category: Motivational, Productivity

Today, there are more young workers with Masters and higher level degrees then there has ever been, and yet, many of these individuals struggle to find and keep a job. Showing how competitive the workforce has become. So more then ever it's important to set goals and do self evaluations....

5 Content Marketing Mistakes

  By Tony Sorensen  |    Thu Jun 29, 2017

Category: Columns, Productivity, Trends

Content marketing has emerged as one of the most effective ways to build your business’s brand and voice. Additionally, it can also help generate customer loyalty and improve your company’s website ranking on online search engine results pages. As a business owner, content marketing is one of the best tools...

Still make MONEY while on vacation...with Contract Placements

  By Judy Collins  |    Thu Jun 29, 2017

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Funding, Productivity, Trends

Enjoy your time off this summer and still make money with a temp and contract placement. Your initial effort making the placement is rewarded with a continuous income stream for the duration of the assignment. While not the big payout of a direct placement, temp and contract placements offer smaller...

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