Mobile Traffic Has the Best Conversion Rates on Your Staffing Website

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Feb 15, 2017

Category: Expert Advice, Technology, Trends

In an analysis of nearly 1 million website sessions on staffing company websites, I looked at the importance of returning website traffic and then I dove into the different types of website traffic and which category converts best on staffing company websites. The last area that I looked at for goal...

MRINetwork Survey Finds Most Companies are Not Focused on Attracting Millennials

  By Anonymous  |    Tue Feb 14, 2017

Category: Recruiting, Trends

The 2020 millennial-dominated workforce is just a few years away, yet most companies are taking a neutral, non-competitive approach to attracting and retaining Millennials. New data from the 2017 MRINetwork Millennial Hiring Trends Study, indicates that within the executive, managerial and professional sector, misconceptions about what is important to Millennials,...

MRINetwork Survey Finds Most Companies are Not Focused on Attracting Millennials

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Jan 30, 2017

Category: Trends

The 2020 millennial-dominated workforce is just a few years away, yet most companies are taking a neutral, non-competitive approach to attracting and retaining Millennials. New data from the 2017 MRINetwork Millennial Hiring Trends Study, indicates that within the executive, managerial and professional sector, misconceptions about what is important to Millennials,...

What the New Federal Overtime Law Means for Staffing Firms

  By Terri Roeslmeier  |    Wed Nov 30, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Technology, Trends

Federal legislation by its nature enacts vast change and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is no exception. Any law that redefines overtime exemptions and extends overtime to 4.2 million workers will have a potent effect on countless businesses. Yet the new federal overtime law will impact the staffing industry in more...

The Latest and (Maybe) Greatest New Company Benefit By Gary Sorrell

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Nov 30, 2016

Category: Expert Advice, Trends

Student debt is painful for college graduates today. They are unable to begin saving toward their 401K, start a family, or even buy a house due to their mountain of student loan debt. In fact, the debt amounts are so high for these grads that approximately 40% of them are...

Election Special: How Will President Trump Impact Staffing Agencies?

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Nov 14, 2016

Category: Recruiting, Trends

When news hit the headlines that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States, one of our UK clients wrote me to ask "what happened?!" –he was "literally gobsmacked." He wasn't the only agency owner who found himself stunned and wondering, "What will a Trump presidency mean for...

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