Clearing the Fee

  By Jeffrey G. Allen  |    Mon Nov 05, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Legal

What Client Says: You didn't clear the fee with us before you told us the candidate's name. How Client Pays: Your greatest leverage exists at one point, and one point only. It's just after you present –and just before you identify – a candidate the client thinks she wants to hire. Note there are...

To Jump-Start Your Growth, Pick the Right Strategy

  By Tom Sarach  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Expert Advice

Not every staffing business makes it through the startup phase, but yours has. After a few years in the staffing business, you’ve got a dozen or so people and perhaps a couple of offices. You’ve not only survived the startup phase, you’ve flourished. That’s the good news. But the bad news...

Does Your Brand Create These Ten Acts?

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Motivational

You don’t need advertisements. You need acts that create emotional connections. Simple, inclusive, accessible, relevant and human encounters that change the momentary experience of engaging with your brand. Whether you have a website, corporation, charity, membership organization or spiritual community, consider incorporating these twelve into your branding efforts: Create an act of forgiveness in...

Why Historic Knowledge Will Help Your Business

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Most people are only familiar with history as it is presented in class rooms and in news and media headlines. For most this translates to knowing only that which school boards admit into official classroom reading or frequently decorate news and online headlines. Consider this example: A country sends its own military...

NAPS Makes Upgrades and Changes to National Registry, Others to Follow in 2013.

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Certification, Education

The National Registry of Certified Staffing Industry Professionals (NRCSIP) has undergone a number of changes to make it a more visible, accessible and usable tool for NAPS certificants to post their credentials for viewing by clients and jobseekers that may want to use their services. The NRCSIP was created by...


  By Bob Marshall  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Columns, Expert Advice, Recruiting

Ron Allen passed away Memorial Day, 2006. He was too young, but it was somewhat fitting since he was a military veteran and also a very memorable man. I met Ron in the early 1990s when he was part of a team recruiting me to relocate from San Diego to Atlanta....

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