Creating a Social Media Policy that Works

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Oct 04, 2012

Category: Social Media

There’s no escaping social media these days. Not only do most of your employees use it, it’s a good idea for your company to have a strong social media presence. And while that can yield some great benefits in terms of marketing and branding, it can also open you up...

Cloud Computing - The Future of Your Staffing Office is Out of the Office

  By Tim Giehll  |    Thu Aug 30, 2012

Category: Automation

By Tim Giehll, CEO of Bond eEmpACT Software Today’s business buzz is all about Cloud Computing. With rapid progress in the technology sector, there are new ways to enhance productivity, while cutting costs substantially for the long term. Plugging into the Cloud promises to eliminate the need for...

Use Caution When Dropping Names

  By Frank Risalvato  |    Thu Aug 23, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

Way back in the middle of one of my first telephone sales and telephone marketing training seminars, the instructor made a point to highlight the importance of having names you can drop to get from one gate keeper to the other during telephone calls. He said you should “always have a...

10 Secrets to Creating Powerful Blog Posts

  By Susan Young  |    Wed Aug 08, 2012

Category: Social Media

According to, there are more than 181 million blogs in the world. I’ll take their word on that. In fact, the number has probably jumped since you read these words! It's amazing to think so many people have so much to say. One challenge I hear from many in recruiting, staffing,...

9 Steps for Conducting a Strong Client Meeting

  By Anonymous  |    Mon Aug 06, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

1. Rehearse your presentation: Rehearse a verbal and mental presentation of your meeting. Get to the point where you have memorized the key points that you want to cover. Nothing will add to your self confidence like preparation and rehearsal. 2. Set the framework for the meeting: Say...

Automating Your Day: Saving Time and Money In Competitive Markets

  By Colin Day  |    Wed Jul 11, 2012

Category: Automation

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing recruiting environment, it is crucial for any recruiter, regardless of industry, to have access to the most advanced and flexible technology available. In the past, recruiters were hindered by countless time consuming activities that caused them to lose valuable candidates and business. Modern technology and the...

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