Do you revise, re-write or reformat your candidate resumes?

  By Diane Skullr  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Recruiting

I posted this question a couple of weeks ago to several groups on LinkedIn that are frequented by recruiters. The results were amazing. Historically, I had always trained my staff to review the resumes and make recommendations to the candidate for changes specific to the job opening. It was then up...

Are You Quitting Now?

  By Diane Skullr  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Motivational

I am going to veer off topic for this month. Normally, I write articles about prepping your candidates for interviews so that they have a greater probability of getting a job offer. After all, you have spent a great deal of time and effort in getting each party interested in...

9 Steps for Conducting a Strong Client Meeting

  By Anonymous  |    Thu Jun 21, 2012

Category: Expert Advice, Recruiting

1. Rehearse your presentation: Rehearse a verbal and mental presentation of your meeting. Get to the point where you have memorized the key points that you want to cover. Nothing will add to your self confidence like preparation and rehearsal. 2. Set the framework for the meeting: Say something...

Acquiring Management Skills Part 1

  By Steve Finkel  |    Wed Jun 20, 2012

Category: Columns

The Problem It’s one of the most common stories in sales. A sales rep starts with a company. He studies, learns, plans, practices, perseveres. After some years, be becomes an excellent producer. As a result of his achievements, he is made a manager. And soon nothing goes right. Time spent to...

Recruiter Training Excellence proven by results

  By Anonymous  |    Wed Jun 13, 2012

Category: Recruiting

The Most Profitable Search Is Here, Now! Finding and hiring top recruiter talent is the toughest search assignment to work. It is also the most profitable. You will receive a fee for a successful search assignment; however, a successful placement of a recruiter in your firm will create an ongoing annuity...

Does Your Company Take Itself Too Seriously?

  By Scott Ginsberg  |    Wed Jun 13, 2012

Category: Motivational

Think about the last time one of your customers made the following complaint: “I like their product, but I just wish the company would take themselves more seriously.” Exactly. They’ve never said that. Ever. WHICH MAKES SENSE: We live in a litigious, hypersensitive and politically correct society. And instead of branding their humanity, organizations...

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