Events Calendar

NAPS 2025 Annual Conference

Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino Las Vegas 3667 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Recruiting and Staffing Ignite- Sparking Connections - Inspiring Innovation

OSSA Annual Conference (Ohio Staffing & Search Association)

Hilton Columbus Downtown, 402 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215

Passion...Purpose...Prosperity & Making the Sale Without Selling A Thing

About CSP
Historically, people of various professions have banded together in common purpose, and so it was with the private personnel services industry in California. The California Association of Personnel Consultants was initially formed in 1937 as the Southern California Employment Agencies Association and incorporated as a non-profit corporation on February 18, 1947. In 1955, a statewide organization was formally identified and was named the California Employment Agencies Association (CEAA). In 1970, this title was shortened to the California Employment Association (CEA) and was subsequently changed in May 1980 to California Association of Personnel Consultants. In June, 2000, CAPC merged with the California Association of Temporary Staffing Services (CATSS) to form California Staffing Professionals (CSP), in order to better serve the staffing industry in California.

Sponsor Type: Associations






CSP Owners Only Retreat

About: CSP Owners Only Retreat

When: Oct 2020-10-28-2020-10-30

Where: Indian Wells, CA


Sponsors: CSP